Crosslinker Copolymerization for Property Control in Inverse Vulcanization
J. A. Smith, S. J. Green, S. Petcher, D. J. Parker, B. Zhang, M. J. H. Worthington, X. Wu, C. A. Kelly, T. Baker, C. T. Gibson, J. A. Campbell, D. A. Lewis, M. J. Jenkins, H. Willcock, J. M. Chalker, T. Hasell. Chemistry A European Journal, 2019, 25, 44, 10433-10440.

Mechanical and chemical characterisation of bioresorbable polymeric stent over two-year in vitro degradation
R. Naseem, L. Zhao, V. Silberschmidt, Y. Liu, O. Scaife, H. Willcock, S. Eswaran, S. Hossainy. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 2019, 34, 1, 61-73.

Experimental data in support of characterization of the CePO4 dispersion into transparent PMMA/PU IPNs by the sequential route
D Palma-Ramírez, MA Domínguez-Crespo, AM Torres-Huerta, VA Escobar-Barrios, H Dorantes-Rosales, H. Willcock. Data in brief, 2018, 21, 2350-2359


Helen Publishes Collaboration on Personalised Stents
5 October 21

School Research Day Success
22 September 21
Congratulations to Caty Marsden, Sarah Woods (PhD student of Fiona Hatton), Mitra Soorani, and James Tinkler for their poster and presentation prizes at the Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering Research day! Edrea Phua and Thomas Baker also gave great oral presentations - well done everyone!

Edrea Presents at AACME Research Day
22 September 21
Well done to Edrea Phua for presenting her work on nanocomposites for protection with potential manufacture enabled by a bacteriophage! Edrea was one of four Willcock Group members presenting at the Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering research day and gave a great overview of her research.

Mitra Presents her work at Research Day
22 September 21
Mitra Soorani presented both her computational and experimental research, in a presentation entitled: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Bioactivity Changes Associated with the Incorporation of Copper in Silicate-based Glasses for Tissue Engineering. Big congratulations for winning the presentation prize Mitra!

James Presents at AACME Research Day
22 September 21
A big congratulations to James Tinkler on his prize for presenting his work at the School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering research day! James detailed the design and synthesis of functional latex/silica nanocomposite films via colloidal self assembly.

Tom Starts an Internship with WRAP
Thomas has recently begun an internship for the Waste & Resources Action Programme (more commonly known as WRAP) as an intern analyst to support their various projects. WRAP is a not-for-profit organisation, working with governments, businesses and citizens to create a world in which resources are sourced and used sustainably. WRAP activities include policy and technical support to Governments, delivery of public-facing campaigns, voluntary agreements with businesses, and financial mechanisms. Publicly facing activities WRAP have driven include the Courtauld Commitment, The Plastics Pact, and the campaigns Love Food Hate Waste and Recycle Now. Thomas's first project involves plastics market assessment scoping to assist partners in South America. This is a project with the World Bank to help nations understand the flow of plastics resin, goods, and waste and then target solutions to plastic pollution. He is soon to be involved in scoping the potential for new plastics recycling facilities in the UK, and work with Defra on creating a plastics waste hierarchy.

Colum joins the group
01 Feb 2020
Colum joins the Willcock group as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant, co-supervised by Dr Stephen Butler. Welcome to the group Colum!

Helen and Tom Berki present at MC14
10 Jul 2019
Tom and Helen attended the 14th International conference on materials chemistry (MC14) in Birmingham, and both presented their work.

Jordan wins first prize at research day for his poster
19 Jun 2019
Jordan presented his most recent work at the research day and won first prize, well done Jordan!

Helen presents her research at Sheffield University
09 Nov 2018
Helen is part of a team to win an Industry-Academia Collaboration Award
22 Oct 2018
Helen's work as a lead Research Associate under the supervision of Prof. Rachel O'Reilly gains national recognition. The research was named 'Project Pelican' and was in collaboration with BP, developing polymer particles to reversibly block high permeability zones in oil reservoirs, to give enhanced oil recovery.

Helen chairs a session at a Recent Appointees in Polymer Science conference
05 Sep 2018
Helen travelled to the University of Bradford to chair the conference, which included talks by Prof. Rachel O'Reilly, Prof. Giuseppe Mantovani, and Prof. Ben Whiteside.

Helen presents at MacroYRM2018
15 Jul 2018
Helen travelled to Dublin to present at the MacroYRM 2018 conference, and gave an insight into her journey through her academic career.